Tuesday, July 19, 2011

jQuery - Javascript Framework of Choice, with a little help

I've been mucking about with web development since...well, let's just say I remember writing my first HTML in 1993 with NotePad.  Things have changed a lot over the years and I still like to use a text editor to write my HTML and Javascript.  Several years back the world of Javascript exploded with a load of free, open source javascript libraries that made life so much easier to build dynamic pages. 

There are several great libraries, prototype/script.aculo.us, Dojo, MooTools, ExtJs (now part of Sencha), but a few years ago I started doing a lot of work with Microsoft SharePoint and starting MOSS 2007 I started to learn jQuery and jQuery UI.  Right away I was able to use jQuery to make SharePoint appear less 'SharePointy' as one of my clients put it.

Clinching my decision was when I found SPServices, Marc Anderson's library for SharePoint Web Services.  Now not only can I make SharePoint look good, but I can build truly interactive robust applications without cracking open Visual Studio everytime.  If you are are designing for SharePoint and not using jQuery and SPServices, then you are doing yourself a great disservice.

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